Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sad Sunday

Not what I wanted to hear today but I had a feeling it wasn't doing well based on some of the forum posts I read. I think everyone who joined me on day one or two at least made it to BEP or better so... here's the bad news:

Hello everyone, 
Unfortunately Fortune Steam has to stop operations. I did everything to keep it alive. 
Unless someone injects 3-4K, there is no chance of coming back to life. 
I am sorry it comes to this but the site was not moving after the 12 days has passed. Most members left after the 12 days. I took notes of how members played (who was a hit and runner and who was supportive). Payments to the most supportive and regular posters will continue. The hit n runners are blacklisted in my books for future use. The ones who joined late, I guess better luck next time.


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