Saturday, June 8, 2013


Aether Advance: nice quiet day there. Maybe because it's Saturday. I'm just sitting back and enjoying the daily earnings for now. Once July 1st rolls around, should be a wee bit more exciting playing with the cycler, lol
- NOTE: you can't just buy into the Cycler when it opens. The funds you can use for the cycler are the funds you've accumulated in your "Line Balance". And the way you accumulate them is from your daily earnings.
- One more thing, over 650 members now :)

Gold Alliance Fund: are having some trouble today getting the payments out. Here's the last email I received about that:

Dear Valued GAF Members,

A payout of all pending withdrawals was attempted a few minutes ago, and while many seem to have gone flawlessly, some did not. We have found that a number of them, while being shown in your GAF account as completed did not actually get to the members pay processor account.

Please allow us some time to try to understand what went wrong and how to fix it. My deepest apologies for this and we are working on finding and solving the issue as quickly as we can.

Thank you for your patience and loyalty!
Best regards,

Was just sitting here thinking... I know not every program we play in lasts as long as we'd like it to, but for those of you who started in the "private program" with me when I first announced it and followed the instructions I gave you, you are now well into profit. Even if you were in the lower 5% plan, you are in profit. Yippee! Also thanks to my upline who first informed me about it. You Rock!

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