Friday, October 21, 2011

Where's The Gamblers?

--- Thought there were more gamblers out there than 322. That's the total member count so far in KrazyMoneyMaker. I think Kent is going to open it on Wednesday, the 26th as long as Alert Pay has their CC problem fixed. I myself don't use it, but I know a lot who do.
Reminder: this is the same Kent, Admin of GlobalSurfPro which is still running until everyone's surf units expire and get paid out. One of the few Admins I've learned to trust.

--- Bi-24: waiting to hear from Ivan on how the move back to the old script is going. Yeah, we're going back to the old script seeing that the 'programmer' messed up the newer version so badly. Hard to find good help these days, lol
In the meantime all functions on the site are disabled. Sit tight. Help is on the way.

--- CWC: asked Larry about the Hub today since their blog post is 3 weeks old, and he said "don't worry it's coming". He didn't say when though. (sigh)

--- JBP-JSS: once again Fred's few hours have turned into a few days, which could turn into a few weeks. No one knows when the Tripler feed will happen. At this point, I'm just happy that they have the Tripler itself running again. So we wait.
* Just pulled this note out of a forum, posted by Wesley so it's good:
"I asked Fred for an update about the JSS positions being placed and begin cycling. This is his response which I just received a few minutes ago:
The load of JSS positions generated by the Restart has started. Nearly 200,000 positions are being loaded. Could take several days.

Hey Fred, 
Where's the beef? 



Norbert's Traffic said...

Hi Judy'
You Reminder I think the name was "24 surf monitor, is this the same Kent,

blondie said...

I have no idea.
24surfmonitor does not sound familiar at all. But I'm not big on Monitor names, if it was a monitor site.