Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Will The Real Blondie Please Stand Up?

Was giving this more thought and knowing how sneaky people can be ... If you see something advertised by 'Blondi' or 'Blondy' or anything close to that name, don't just assume it's me. Please check here in my blog to see if it's something I'm sharing or not. Seems some scammers out there may have figured out if they use my name, more people will join. 
Also I don't promote via email any more. I have my blog and my "alert" service. So please be careful when joining something sent via email especially if they sign or use the name Blondie. Thanks :) 
PS, I certainly don't do videos or audios either. lol 

--- Bi-24 - The Power of 2%: starting today: 
- STP is being eliminated from the program but those who used ONLY STP can either get a refund or have it moved to AP. 
- You can make purchases using your account balance on Mon - Wed - and Saturday. 
- Withdraw fees have been lowered to 2% + .10 cents 
- New purchases now receive 4,000 credits per AdUnit and those who purchased previously will receive some additional credits as well. 
- I repurchased 10 units today myself :) 
OK, all great news as far as I'm concerned! Thanks Ivan! 
PS, just received a payment while I was writing here. YaY! 

--- Centurion: the new 'booster' for the CWC program is supposed to be ready to launch sometime this weekend (or soon after). Of course I'm ready for it when it does launch and I know it'll help others cycle more in the main program. Just wondering if that Rioting in England will have any effect on this? Hope the Admin's are no where close to that mess. 

--- JBP-JSS: well, updates say the server move will be ready soon, but Carl on the conference chat said 1-2 weeks and on another update I read a month. So if you can get to the member area, everything is great. It's just getting there that is the problem. I'll wait till later today and try again since it's about time for me to do another withdraw. Also when they finish the move to the new servers, they said the site will be "simpler". Now that's good news!

--- Coolest stalker song around, LOL 

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