Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sundays Should Be Peaceful


Told someone yesterday that I would mention again today. They are reopen and they are paying. Oh and it's a matrix. Okie dokie?


I read some information on a new program that was promoted to me three times last night. For some reason, it just didn't excite me enough to do anything about it. Unless they really are still here in December of 2012? I dunno. What are the chances?

OK OK OK, I threw in the towel and joined. Figured almost 13 thousand people in just a few days may be onto something.


It is Free to join now and you do receive 1,000 shares, which will stay at that level until they hit the population of 100,000. Every new member you recommend will earn you an additional 3,000 shares, and that will continue until they reach 20,000 members.
Now I need to visit the site more myself and see what all the excitement is about. You're welcome to do the same from the link above. Later :))

One more thing, just received a "Fact Sheet" of FAQs from someone in the know. If you'd like a copy of it, send me a note here. I'm sure he won't mind if I share.
If the link doesn't work for you, send to and just ask for the Fact Sheet. I'll know what you're looking for :))


Thought of this song last night and woke up today still singing it. Such a pretty song. Enjoy :))

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